Rapid Resolution Therapy
Rapid Resolution Therapy is an effective way of causing transformation by using a combination of tools including guided imagery and mindfulness techniques, hypnosis, transformational languaging (NLP), storytelling, metaphor and symbols. These processes and tools work well as our deeper mind learns and updates quickly, responding easily to playfulness and creativity. With the intention to look at life through a different lens, this alternative approach provides a new and successful path to healing.
In contrast to traditional therapy, Rapid Resolution Therapy is a quick, gentle and painless method to clear the effects of:
- Negative attachment to past memories or experiences including physical or emotional trauma.
- Relationship triggers, limiting beliefs or the feeling of stuckness and attachment to patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
- Anger and frustration, guilt or shame, regret or feelings of unworthiness.
- Anxiety, including the feeling of panic, fears or phobias.
- Frozen grief, sadness, worry or depression.
- Lack of motivation, obsessive or impulsive behaviors including addiction and eating disorders.
- Anything that disrupts or your life, your energy, your sleep or physical health.
This approach works if you’re ready to:
- Be free of emotional charges related to something from your past.
- Move forward, with energy, doing things the way you’ve wanted or imagined doing.
- Promote mind-body healing using your creative and active imagination.
- Eliminate unwanted unconscious material that blocks your growth and potential.
- Transform self-destructive or obsessive behavior patterns.
What you may experience after one or two sessions:
- More energy to do the things meaningful to you.
- Connect with your true essence and resource your creative spirit.
- Feel more at ease with how you deal with life’s challenges.
- Feel more connected to the world and the people around you.